Navigating the Complex Terrain of Family Conflicts in the Indian Subcontinent


The Indian subcontinent is a land of diverse cultures, traditions, and values that have shaped the dynamics of family life for generations. In this rich tapestry of customs, one common thread weaves through many households – the delicate and often challenging relationship between a man, his wife, and his mother. This intricate triangle of familial ties has been the source of numerous conflicts, creating immense tension for men caught in the middle. In this blog, we will explore the complexities of this issue and its impact on individuals and families in the Indian subcontinent.

Understanding the Conflict

The conflict between a wife and a mother-in-law, often referred to as "saas-bahu" discord in popular culture, is not a new phenomenon. It has deep historical roots and is deeply embedded in the social fabric of the region. The conflict typically arises due to differences in expectations, values, and roles within the family.

On one hand, a man's mother represents his upbringing, traditions, and a lifetime of emotional bonds. On the other hand, his wife is his chosen life partner, and she may bring her own set of values, beliefs, and expectations into the family. This collision of two strong-willed women with different backgrounds and perspectives often results in misunderstandings, disagreements, and sometimes, full-blown conflicts.

Caught in the Middle

Men in the Indian subcontinent often find themselves caught in the crossfire of this intense battle. Regardless of who is right or wrong in a particular situation, they face tremendous pressure to remain neutral, avoiding taking sides. This expectation can lead to a constant state of anxiety and stress, as they navigate the turbulent waters between their mother and wife.

Here are some of the common challenges that men face when trapped between their wife and mother:

Emotional Stress: The constant tug-of-war between a wife and mother can take a toll on a man's emotional well-being. He may feel torn apart by loyalty to both women, and this inner conflict can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Strained Relationships: The strain caused by these conflicts can damage relationships irreparably. The bond between a man and his wife may suffer due to unresolved issues, and the same goes for the relationship with his mother.

Pressure to Choose: In some cases, men are pressured to make a choice between their wife and mother. This ultimatum can create a heartbreaking dilemma, as they must decide between two people they love deeply.

Impact on Children: When children are involved, the conflicts between the wife and mother can negatively affect their upbringing. The tension in the household can have a lasting impact on the emotional well-being and development of the children.

Social Stigma: In many societies, a man who sides with his wife over his mother may face social ostracization and criticism. This societal pressure can make it even more challenging for men to navigate these conflicts.

Finding a Path Forward

While these conflicts are undoubtedly challenging, there are ways for men to navigate this complex terrain without resorting to leaving their mother or divorcing their wife. Here are some strategies that may help:

Communication: Open and honest communication is key. Encourage your wife and mother to talk to each other directly about their concerns, and try to mediate these discussions in a calm and respectful manner.

Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries within your household. Define roles and responsibilities for each family member to reduce the likelihood of clashes.

Seek Professional Help: If conflicts persist, consider seeking the guidance of a family therapist or counselor who specializes in resolving familial issues. A neutral third party can provide valuable insights and strategies.

Empathy and Understanding: Put yourself in the shoes of both your wife and mother. Try to understand their perspectives and feelings. Empathy can go a long way in resolving conflicts.

Balance: Strive to strike a balance between your roles as a son and a husband. It's possible to love and care for both your mother and wife without sacrificing one for the other.

Time Management: Allocate quality time for both your mother and wife. Spending time with each of them individually can help strengthen your relationships and reduce conflicts.

Self-Care: Don't neglect your own well-being. Take care of your mental and emotional health, and don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or professionals when needed.

Changing Dynamics

It's important to recognize that societal dynamics in the Indian subcontinent are evolving. The younger generation is often more progressive in their views and may be more inclined to address these conflicts head-on, seeking solutions that prioritize harmony within the family. However, change takes time, and deeply ingrained traditions and expectations can be slow to shift.


The conflicts between a wife and mother are a challenging issue faced by many men in the Indian subcontinent. The emotional toll it takes on individuals and families cannot be underestimated. However, it's crucial to remember that it is possible to find solutions that do not require leaving one's mother or divorcing one's wife. Open communication, empathy, and seeking professional help when necessary can all contribute to resolving these conflicts and fostering a healthier, more harmonious family environment. As society continues to evolve, there is hope that future generations will face fewer of these challenges and find even better ways to navigate the complex terrain of family dynamics.

C. P. Kumar
Reiki Healer & Former Scientist 'G', National Institute of Hydrology
Roorkee - 247667, India


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