The Silent Struggle: Suicidal Tendencies Among Students of Coaching Institutes


In recent years, the dark shadows of suicidal tendencies among students of coaching institutes, particularly those preparing for highly competitive exams like engineering and medical entrance tests, have come to the forefront of our collective consciousness. The pressure cooker environment in these coaching centers has raised serious concerns about the well-being of young minds. Factors such as parental expectations and financial struggle, the absence of a proper screening process, relentless weekly tests, and categorization of students based on their performance have all contributed to this alarming issue. This blog explores the various dimensions of this complex problem and suggests possible solutions.

The High-Stakes Game

For many students and their parents in countries like India, securing admission into prestigious engineering or medical colleges is seen as the ultimate ticket to success. The pressure to excel in these entrance exams is immense, and this is where coaching institutes come into play. These institutes promise to provide the necessary guidance and preparation for students to crack the exams. However, in the process, they often subject students to an environment that fosters stress, anxiety, and in some tragic cases, suicidal tendencies.

Parental Expectations

One of the primary reasons for suicidal tendencies among students of coaching institutes is the burden of parental expectations. In many Asian countries, parents have high aspirations for their children and expect them to excel academically. They see the coaching institutes as a means to achieve these aspirations. The fear of disappointing their parents and the relentless pressure to meet these expectations can lead students to feel overwhelmed and trapped.

The Silent Financial Struggle

Beyond the conspicuous academic pressure lies an unseen financial struggle. Enrolling a child in a reputable coaching institute often comes at an exorbitant cost. Tuition fees, study materials, and associated expenses create a staggering financial burden on parents. Many find themselves depleting their life savings or incurring substantial debts, which, in turn, amplifies the stress experienced by both parents and students, contributing to an overall emotional distress within households.

No Screening Process

Coaching institutes often lack a rigorous screening process to assess a student's readiness for the intense curriculum. As a result, students with varying levels of academic preparedness find themselves in the same class. This mix can be detrimental as students struggle to keep up with the pace, leading to a sense of inadequacy and frustration.

Weekly Tests

To assess the progress of students, coaching institutes conduct regular weekly tests. While these tests are intended to track students' performance and provide feedback, they can create a perpetual state of stress. Students feel the need to constantly perform at their best, fearing that a single bad result could jeopardize their chances of success. This unrelenting pressure can erode their mental health over time.

Categorization of Students

Coaching institutes often categorize students based on their performance in these tests. Those who consistently perform well are placed in the top category, while others find themselves in lower tiers. This categorization can have a demoralizing effect on students, as they may perceive themselves as failures if they don't make it to the top tier. This sense of inadequacy can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair.

The Toll on Mental Health

The constant pressure, unrealistic expectations, and fierce competition take a toll on the mental health of students. Many begin to experience symptoms of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. The fear of failure and the sense of inadequacy can become overwhelming, pushing some students to the brink of suicide. It is crucial to acknowledge that this issue is not limited to a particular region or country; it is a global concern wherever intense competitive exams are the norm.

Solutions and Mitigations

Addressing the issue of suicidal tendencies among students of coaching institutes requires a multi-pronged approach. Here are some steps that can be taken to alleviate the problem:
Parental Awareness and Support: Parents need to be educated about the importance of emotional well-being and balanced development for their children. Encouraging open communication and supporting their children's passions and interests can help reduce the pressure.

Parental Counseling: Parents should receive counseling and guidance on setting realistic expectations and managing financial stress. Open communication channels can foster understanding and support.

Mental Health Services: Coaching institutes should provide access to mental health services for students. Qualified counselors can offer support and guidance to those struggling with stress and anxiety.

Screening and Counseling: Implement a screening process to assess students' readiness for the rigorous curriculum. Offer counseling and additional support to those who may require it to help them catch up with their peers.

Reducing Frequency of Tests: Reducing the frequency of tests and placing greater emphasis on holistic learning can help reduce the constant pressure on students.

Promoting Alternative Paths: Encourage students and parents to consider alternative career paths that do not solely depend on cracking competitive exams. Highlight the importance of pursuing one's passion and interests.

Financial Assistance: Educational institutions and governments should provide financial aid and scholarships to students in need, alleviating the financial burden on parents.

Regulation and Oversight: Governments and educational bodies should regulate coaching institutes more effectively to ensure that they provide a conducive and safe learning environment.


The issue of suicidal tendencies among students of coaching institutes preparing for competitive exams is a pressing concern that demands immediate attention. While these institutes play a crucial role in guiding students towards their goals, the current system is fraught with problems that negatively impact the mental health of students. It is imperative that parents, institutions, and policymakers work together to create an environment where academic success is not achieved at the cost of students' well-being. Ultimately, the goal should be to empower students to thrive academically while also nurturing their mental and emotional health.

C. P. Kumar
Reiki Healer & Former Scientist 'G', National Institute of Hydrology
Roorkee - 247667, India


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