Tensions Between Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law in Indian Households

It is human nature to find fault with others. In many conflicts, individuals feel that they are on the right side while others are wrong. This tendency to perceive oneself as correct can drive much of the tension and discord in relationships. When we look at the dynamics within families, particularly in the Indian subcontinent, this behavior is often evident between married men, their mothers, and their wives. While conflict is a universal part of human relationships, this specific scenario presents a unique challenge, particularly for married men, who frequently find themselves caught in the middle.

The ‘Sandwich’ Situation: Men Between Their Mothers and Wives

A recurring narrative in many Indian households is the tension between a mother and her daughter-in-law. Both women, often with strong personalities and a sense of ownership over their roles within the family, believe they are in the right. The mother feels her wisdom, experience, and authority should be respected, while the daughter-in-law may assert her independence and rights as an equal partner in the family. In this tug of war, the man – be it the son or the husband – is the one who often bears the brunt of these conflicts.

The Son’s Dilemma

For the son, this situation is a minefield. His mother, the person who raised him, nurtured him, and likely has a deep emotional connection with him, expects loyalty and respect. On the other hand, his wife, the woman with whom he has chosen to spend his life, may expect the same level of support and understanding.

Even when the son tries to navigate the situation logically, perhaps siding with the one he believes is in the right, the other party often feels betrayed. The mother may perceive his siding with the wife as a rejection of her authority, while the wife may feel hurt if she believes her husband is choosing his mother’s side over hers. This emotional tightrope becomes a source of deep frustration and tension, leading to significant stress for the man.

The Father’s Role in the Family Conflict

Interestingly, the father in this scenario often remains in the background, observing the conflicts unfold. By the time his son gets married, the father has already spent decades living with his wife, learning to navigate her strengths and weaknesses. He may very well understand when his wife is in the wrong, but openly taking sides in these conflicts is not a straightforward option. If he expresses support for his daughter-in-law, his wife might accuse him of betraying her or not being loyal enough to their longstanding relationship.

This dynamic leaves the father in a tricky position, where he cannot mediate openly without creating more tension. The situation becomes a vicious cycle, with unresolved issues lingering in the household, affecting both the father and the son, who are left trying to balance their relationships with the two women they care about.

The Irony of the Changing Roles of Women

An intriguing aspect of this family tension is the way the roles of women change over time. When a woman is a daughter-in-law, she may feel oppressed or judged by her mother-in-law, seeing her as someone who is always in the wrong. Yet, as the years go by and she becomes a mother-in-law herself, her perspective often shifts. Suddenly, she finds herself in a position where she expects her daughter-in-law to behave differently, and any conflicts that arise may lead her to conclude that daughter-in-laws are difficult to deal with.

This cyclical nature of familial relationships is one of the most ironic aspects of these tensions. The same woman who once struggled with her mother-in-law may later perpetuate the same issues with her own daughter-in-law. This irony speaks volumes about how deeply ingrained certain attitudes and behaviors are in traditional family setups.

Why Do These Conflicts Arise?

These conflicts are often rooted in traditional views on family roles and hierarchy. In many Indian families, the mother-in-law holds a significant position of authority. Her experience, age, and wisdom are often seen as guiding forces within the family. However, the daughter-in-law, as a new member of the household, may wish to assert her own identity, autonomy, and decisions, especially in how she manages her home, her relationship, and her responsibilities.

Moreover, these conflicts may also arise from a generational gap in perspectives. The mother-in-law, having grown up in a different era with different social expectations, may find it hard to reconcile with the modern, more independent outlook of her daughter-in-law. The two women are navigating different worlds, and the clash between tradition and modernity often exacerbates these tensions.

Finding Solutions

So, what is the solution to these deeply ingrained family dynamics? How can families find harmony in situations where both sides feel justified in their beliefs?

Open Communication: The most significant step towards resolving these tensions is fostering open communication. Instead of allowing conflicts to simmer beneath the surface, it’s essential for family members to create spaces where grievances and expectations can be discussed openly and respectfully. Regular family discussions, with the aim of understanding one another’s perspectives, can prevent small disagreements from becoming deep-rooted conflicts.

Empathy and Understanding: It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that one's perspective is the only correct one. But taking the time to understand the other person’s feelings, motivations, and challenges can go a long way in easing tensions. Both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law need to practice empathy. Realizing that each person’s actions are often driven by their own experiences and fears can help diffuse conflicts.

Boundaries: Healthy boundaries between family members are crucial. While it is natural for family members to be involved in each other’s lives, there should be respect for personal space and decision-making. Both the mother and the wife should allow the man (be it the husband or son) to maintain healthy relationships with both parties, without making him feel torn or guilty for doing so.

Mutual Respect: Respect must flow both ways. The mother-in-law should recognize that the daughter-in-law is not only a new member of the family but also an individual with her own values, beliefs, and ways of doing things. Similarly, the daughter-in-law should respect the mother-in-law’s position within the family and the experiences that have shaped her views.


Family dynamics, especially those between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, are complex. The tension that arises from this relationship can place tremendous stress on the men in the family, particularly the father and son. However, with open communication, empathy, and mutual respect, it is possible to navigate these challenges and foster a more harmonious family environment. After all, understanding and cooperation are key to breaking the cycle of conflict that has persisted for generations.

C. P. Kumar
Reiki Healer & Former Scientist 'G', National Institute of Hydrology
Roorkee - 247667, India


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